
Creating your artwork, or supplying your artwork

You can either supply your artwork or we will create your artwork or amend your existing artwork for you. As we do not charge anything for artwork we also do not offer any discount if you supply your artwork.

We will create your artwork for you for the product you have ordered after you have ordered and paid online, or have accepted the quote we've sent and paid at least 50% of the invoice.

Simply email your ideas, business details, images and logo to and include as much information as possible. Please also email anything you've seen that could help us create your artwork for you. Also let us know colours and fonts if you know them. 

Please type all the text in a Word document or into an email so we can copy and paste, as this saves a lot of errors.

We do not create new logos or branding as part of this included service. If we need to re-create or fix up a logo or start from scratch or if your instructions are not straightforward enough, or your artwork needs are complex we will give you an artwork quote before any work is started.

Conditions Of Our Free Artwork Offer

We do not create a variety of designs, just one. Once we have created your artwork we will send you a PDF draft or proof by email. You can make one set of changes to the look, design or feel of the artwork just in case we haven't used the colours you want or you don't like the text etc. Please give us clear instructions to make amendments. Changes made after this are for errors only. You must contact us for approval or changes within 3 working days.

Changes made beyond these conditions will be charged at $1 per minute.

You are supplying your artwork and it needs a little tweaking.

You might be supplying your artwork and it may need to be finished for printing. For example, your graphic artist may have omitted to add bleed or crop marks or the images or colours need to be converted to CMYK. Or images may need to be changed to print quality 300dpi. We will do this for you at no charge as part of our artwork offer if at all possible.

If there are more than minor text changes, we will give you an artwork quote before any work is started.

What Types of File Formats Do You Accept?

To ensure proper print quality, any imagery you upload should be at a resolution of 300 dpi or more. If you are unsure about a file’s resolution, please ask.

We accept the following file formats: jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, pdf, png, gif, bmp, svg, eps and ai.

We are unable to use Word Documents and PowerPoint files. Word documents and Powerpoint files are usually not print ready artwork, and the PDFs produced from these programmes can rarely be used effectively for printing. But if this is all you have we can always try.

If you need help with your artwork, please call 1300 558 113 or email

What If My Images Appear Fuzzy or Pixelated?

The way your images appear on your computer screen is not necessarily an indication of how your product will print. They may look ok on the screen but the image could have been digitally manipulated. Generally if the image is 200kb or more it will be ok for most usage, but if it going to cover the entire side of an A4 booklet or corflute sign it may not.

If your image appears blurry or pixelated, that is an indication that the image you have uploaded needs to be a higher resolution. We can warn you if an image is too low resolution to safely use in print. Don't forget, scaling an image can affect your image clarity. If you are concerned about print quality, please call 1300 558 113 or email

Tell Me About Colours and Images

All colours and images must be converted to CMYK. The CMYK color model (process colour, four colour) is used in colour printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the four inks used: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black). Generally we cannot guarantee your colours will be what you're looking for if you send RGB (digital) files, however we can convert them to CMYK and continue creating your artwork.

Please note, we cannot usually print PMS or Spot Colours without extra cost to you, so we will advise and quote you before commencing. Products that we can use PMS colours are PVC Plastic Cards and NCR Carbonless Books and Pads.

Tell Me About Trim

Place all text and images 3mm – 5mm inside the document from the finished edge. The cutting edge is called the trim. The trimmed page size is the final intended size of your pages, after being cut along the trim marks.

Tell Me About Bleed

When creating your final PDF, set 3-5mm of bleedBleed is a printing term that refers to printing that goes beyond the edge of the sheet before trimming. In other words, the bleed is the area to be trimmed off. The bleed is the part on the side of a document that gives the printer a small amount of space to account for movement of the paper, and design inconsistencies. Artwork and background colors can extend into the bleed area. After trimming, the bleed ensures that no unprinted edges occur in the final trimmed document.

Tell Me About Crop Marks

Please use crop marks set at 3-5mm. Crop marks, also known as trim marks, are lines printed in the corners of your publication’s sheet or sheets of paper to show the printer where to trim the paper. They are used by commercial printers for creating bleeds where an image or color on the page needs to extend all the way to the edge of the paper. Printers generally can’t actually print to the very edge of the paper, so instead they print on a larger sheet of paper and then trim it down to the correct size, and crop marks are used to define where to trim.


If you’re looking for a new logo to professionally express your business speak to us about a new design.  We pride ourselves on producing the best logo designs for your needs, whatever that may be. We believe that a logo is an identity tool which reflects you and your company so it is extremely important in representing your business’s values. Here at Emerald Print we have a team of marketers and graphic designers who will truly listen to your personal needs and what you desire in your custom logo design.

All New Logo Designs can be estimated before work commences and are based on our design rate of $1 per minute.

For more information on our graphic design and logo services, contact us today on 1300 558 113 or email